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Welcome! and thank you for visiting my little home on the web. I would love to tell you more about my journeys in tech and running. I mostly write about what I learn from running long distances and building large scale web applications. I also enjoy reading your email responses.

Thank you, Chris

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Today’s motivation:

Personal Record for running in sandals!

Actually, this was the first time I ran in sandals. Friday runs are my relaxing runs. In preparation for an upcoming trip to Austin, TX I thought I’d save luggage space and just pack sandals.

I’ve been preparing for running in sandals for some time. On my relaxed run days I focus on good form. My foot touches are soft and controlled. Good foot form is even more important on the hills where forces on my legs are extreme.

Sandal running was pleasant and I think I will do it again.

Chris Larson

I fell in love with running after I committed to running a 5k everyday during the month of September. Now I'm training for my first Marathon on October 1st, 2017.

chrylarson chrylarson
