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Welcome! and thank you for visiting my little home on the web. I would love to tell you more about my journeys in tech and running. I mostly write about what I learn from running long distances and building large scale web applications. I also enjoy reading your email responses.

Thank you, Chris

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Running is simple.

I should have started a running habit 10 years ago, or 8 years ago or even 3 years ago.

Each time I talked myself out of starting by focusing on the overwhelming details. I obsessed over not having good shoes, the right shorts, a proper running path nearby, enough time, it was too cold/hot, or it just wasn’t a good day to start.

Running is simple.

Put on shoes.


I couldn’t pick the right training plan. Which plan is the best?

It doesn’t matter.

Just go running.

Do I rest every other day? Go for long runs on the weekends? Should I stretch? What about interval training???

It doesn’t matter.

Just go run.

I used the details as an excuse. Go running and you’ll be a runner. The rest are inconsequential details. Before the details matter I need to have a solid base. Before the details matter I need to be able to run a 5K without feeling like I’m dying. Ignore the details and run.

Put on shoes.


Chris Larson

I fell in love with running after I committed to running a 5k everyday during the month of September. Now I'm training for my first Marathon on October 1st, 2017.

chrylarson chrylarson
