Building native HTML and JavaScript apps for Android can be done with Apache Cordova on Ubuntu.
- Download the Android SDK from
- Unzip the Android SDK and place the contents of the ‘sdk’ folder in ~/Development/adt-bundle/sdk
- Add the SDK to your path
- To permanently add the Android SDK to your Ubuntu path follow this article
- install Apache Cordova with npm
npm install -g cordova
(Install nodejs if you don’t have it.)- cd to your Documents directory and create a helloWorld folder, then cd into that folder
cd ~/Documents
mkdir helloWorld
cd helloWorld
- Create a Cordova app and cd to the new folder
cordova create hello com.example.hello "Hello World"
cd hello/
- Add Android as a cordova platform
cordova platform add android
- Create an Andorid emulator
android create avd -n hello -t 1
- Run the cordova app on the emulator
cordova emulate android
- Build your web app and place it in the www folder, making sure to include config.xml and cordova.js